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Installing R and R Studio

This post is regarding installing the R Studio which is a free and open-source integrated development environment for R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. Follow the below instruction to install the software Install R Install R-Studio 1. Install R For Windows : Download the binary setup file for R from the following link. ( R for Windows ) Open the downloaded .exe file and Install R For Mac : Download the appropriate version of .pkg file form the following link. ( R for Mac ) Open the downloaded .pkg file and Install R For Linux : For complete R System installation in Linux, follow the instructions on the following link ( Link ) For Ubuntu with Apt-get installed, execute  sudo apt-get install r-base in terminal. 2. Install R Studio On the following link, Download R Studio  choose the appropriate installer file for your operating system, download it and then run it to install R-studio. This completes the inst
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Welcome to the ou'R' world

This post is regarding the introduction of the R. what is R? R is just like the other programming languages like python, java, c. The main difference comes here - R is powerful in performing statistical computations. R is a high-level language and an environment predominantly used for data analysis and graphics. R is more commonly used by Data Scientists, Statisticians and lot more who desires to extract the valuable insights from the data. why is it named R? R is named after the first letters of the names of creators who crafted it. R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Why should you want to use R?   The main reason for switching to R is to take advantage of its unrivalled coverage and the availability of new, cutting-edge applications in fields such as generalized mixed-effects modelling and generalized additive models.  The next reason for learning R is that you want to be able to understand